Experts in Addiction Treatments

“I can’t stop cutting myself “

I can't stop cutting myself

Someone once told me that when you start cutting, you can’t stop. I didn’t believe them. I recently started cutting and now I can’t stop. I love the feeling of it. I love the blade against my skin And you know what? I don’t care if it kills me.

Examples of controlling an addict and their addiction

Examples of controlling an addict and their addiction

1.Silent Treatment 2.Lying 3.Making Threats 4.Accommodating their demands 5.Cancelling plans 6.Assuming responsibility 7.Pretending 8.Lecturing 9.Avoiding 10.Relocating 11.Hiding or destroying or dumping (alcohol / drugs / paraphernalia / food etc) 12.Others?

Spotting addiction

Spotting Addiction

If there is even a small concern, then in most cases there is a problem, that given time will only develop and become a bigger problem. There could be many hidden addictions and there’s rarely no smoke without fire, no matter what story the person you’re concerned about concocts to baffle and confuse you. If […]

How addiction affects families

Helping Families

Addictions affect everybody from any class, culture, race, religion, gender, sexual preferences, etc It happens to so many families, that 20% – 1 in 5, of British families have some sort of concern, which they normally hide because of fear of stigma. Remember, 10% – 1 in 10 people have some form of Addiction, whether […]

Addiction = Selfishness

Addiction = Selfishness

Therefore a full lifestyle change including an adoption of a Spiritual lifestyle (thinking of others rather than remaining selfish and self centred) is required for success. The continuation of remaining vigilant and being aware of people, places and things that may trigger a response leading back to the addictive substance, behaviour or process is simply […]

What is addictive disease

Addiction and addictive disease

Someone with an Addiction can be cured permanently given sufficient motivation and encouragement through coaching and / or other external pressures and influences. Someone with Addictive Disease will never stop their addictive patterns, behaviours and substances through talking therapies and exposure to alternative life choices. They require something far more drastic. They require a treatment […]

What are the solutions of addiction

Solutions for addictions

Addictions come in various guises; and so may the solutions for an individual. First of all we need to assess them to discover if they have: 1) An Addiction e.g. smoking / drinking or other bad habit 2) Addictive Disease e.g. this person is an Addict and cannot stop alone. By considering each person individually […]

6 ways to convince an Alcoholic / Addict to accept help

Over my professional career as an Addiction Consultant, I’ve talked with thousands of family members about their loved one, who more often than not doesn’t have the same desire to change their drinking or drugging habits as the rest of their family would prefer.This has meant that over the years and indeed generations, far too […]

10 Suggestions for a Healthy Recovery

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